Your Haulier will be able to discuss what fees they charge you for this service. 

Using this service helps them keep their cost down to you – if you arrange your customs clearance yourself, your Haulier will still need to re-enter all your details to obtain Safety and Security Declarations and then arrange to clear port community systems.

You will need a Carnet. Check out our How To Use an ATA Carnet guide.

This is an NCTS T1 transit movement – watch this space! You will need a comprehensive guarantee in place.

A Safety & Security Declaration (SSD) is used by border authorities to analyse the potential risk caused to their territory by goods crossing their border. It is not about the duties and taxes.

There are two types of declaration – ENS (entry summary declaration) and EXS (exit summary declaration).

You need an SSD from GB-EU & GB-NI. (S&S GB SSDs will be required from EU-GB from the end of 2023).

CustomsLink (part of the Stena Line group of companies) is a cloud-based software program that enables users to make import and export customs declarations with the added benefit of using the same data to cover other necessary UK-EU port and border processes connected with ferry shipping to/from the UK.

This includes lodging Safety and Security Declarations and requesting GMR numbers from the UK’s GMVS system. The platform is accessible on smartphone, tablet and desktop and is online 24/7 to provide the solution to your Brexit headache with an easy-to-complete user journey, supported by self-explanatory guides that help you, step by step through the process. Our aim is to ensure your wheels keep turning.

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