Yes, providing you have the licences required for the commodity you are shipping, you upload these with your declaration. Please contact our team for more information. 

Yes, the CustomsLink software handles NCTS (New Computerised Transit System) movements.

CustomsLink can arrange customs clearance for you in a number of EU countries through our partner network.

Please contact us for the current list.

Yes. As long as you have been invited and signed your LOA to each haulier in the “my haulier” tab, you can have multiple hauliers.

You can now appear as declarant on GB imports and exports.

By appearing as declarant on GB imports and exports, you can save on badge/CSP costs with -

  • No subscription
  • Pay as you go
  • All RoRo inventory linked, GVMS & Deep Sea ports covered

Over 100 ports covered in one software package.

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