CustomsLink (part of the Stena Line group of companies) is a cloud-based software program that enables users to make import and export customs declarations with the added benefit of using the same data to cover other necessary UK-EU port and border processes connected with ferry shipping to/from the UK.

This includes lodging Safety and Security Declarations and requesting GMR numbers from the UK’s GMVS system. The platform is accessible on smartphone, tablet and desktop and is online 24/7 to provide the solution to your Brexit headache with an easy-to-complete user journey, supported by self-explanatory guides that help you, step by step through the process. Our aim is to ensure your wheels keep turning.

CustomsLink has been purpose-built to help people who ship their goods on ferry services to and from the UK. There are many systems that can submit customs declarations, but do not cover all the border processes such as safety and security declarations and port passes. By using CustomsLink, not only can you be customs cleared, but you will know that you have the right documentation to get through the ports too.

We've used all the experience of our sister company Freightlink, to design a solution especially for the ferry industry. CustomsLink joins up the processes, avoiding the need to re-input information over and over again and giving you peace of mind that you are not just customs cleared, but cleared to go.

Anyone who is authorized by their business to make a customs declaration can do this, however it is important to note that only businesses based in a country are able to lodge a declaration there.

For example, a UK company cannot submit a declaration into French Customs (unless they have a French subsidiary or a French entity who is willing to act as a legal representative).

Find out more about where CustomsLink are able to help you complete your customs declarations here

Once you are registered, a member of our team will go through an onboarding process with you, including some tips on how to use the system. However, the CustomsLink platform is designed to be very simple and follows a step-by-step process. Every screen in the platform has a link to a ‘how-to’ video, meaning that those with even basic computer skills can complete an entry if they have the data to hand.


If you are a trader and importing goods, it is recommended you get a deferment account with HMRC so that you can defer payment of import duty and VAT until the end of the month.

If you do not have this, you can either pay the duty upfront via FASPAY, or use CustomsLink's deferment account.

Please note: from September CDS payment methods will be duty deferment account, cash account, immediate payment or guarantee. Find out more

Use our deferment account to avoid being stopped at port for duty payment, which will no doubt cause delays to your deliveries.

Contact our team for more information.


CustomsLink can handle UK Imports and Exports in all RoRo ports and most inventory linked (normally container) ports. With our partner network, we are also able to arrange Customs Clearance in many EU countries. Please contact us for further details.

Yes, providing you have the licences required for the commodity you are shipping, you upload these with your declaration. Please contact our team for more information. 

No, but when you input a commodity that requires a border control inspection, it will let you know that you need to get this booked. Once you have arranged your inspection you can then flag in the system that the Border Control Post is booked so your driver receives these instructions, and set off safe in the knowledge this has been arranged.

Need more help?

Book a free session

If you are looking at doing 10+ customs declarations each month, one of our team members can recommend a CustomsLink solution just for you.

Book a free session

Pricing plans to suit your needs. You can switch between Managed Customs and Digital Customs packages at any time.

Contact Us

Contact us about your journey, your goods and what services you require and we will help.

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