Code that identifies which regime the goods will enter or levy under (e.g. free circulation/excise/gsp/ipr /opr)

Document facilitating transit and temporary importation of means of transport by serving both as a customs declaration and authorisation as well as guarantee in countries that are a contracting party to the Istanbul Convention.

These are independent trade systems that directly serve hundreds of carriers, transit sheds and freight forwarders. Community System Providers (CSPs) record and track the movement of goods within ports and airports, enabling them to operate more efficiently.

Inventory-linked ports are connected to a CSP (Destin8, Pentant, Compass etc), which interface with CHIEF and CDS.

A Customs procedure, similar to Community Transit for moving goods without payment of duty and tax between the EU and the EFTA countries.

Facilitates the movement of goods across borders of member countries (EU Member States, Turkey, Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein, North Macedonia and Serbia) by only requiring customs declarations and payment of duties when goods arrive at their final destination. The UK is a member of the CTC now, and will continue to be a member once it has left the EU.

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