Data Elements in CDS replace 'Boxes' in CHIEF. While boxes and data elements are similar, they are not exactly the same.

In CDS, you may need to complete up to 76 data elements for imports and 65 for exports, depending on the type of declaration and situation.

Data Elements are divided into eight groups -

  1. Message information (inc Procedure Codes and Additional Procedure Codes) - relates to the whole declaration or individual items on the declaration
  2. References - accompanying documents/certificates for items and authorisation
  3. Parties - who is involved in making the declaration within the supply chain
  4. Valuation information and Taxes - the value of the goods. VAT, duties due, means of payment
  5. Dates/Times/Periods/Places/Countries/Region - countries involved, goods arrival time, onward supply locations, shipped to/from
  6. Goods identification - codes to identify specific goods. Quantities, packages, weight, measurement, description
  7. Transport information - modes of transport between third country and final destination
  8. Other - statistical, tariff and guarantee related data. Unpaid customs duties, licences.

More information is available in the UK Government CDS guide.