S&S GB (Safety & Security Great Britain) or SSGB is the Entry Summary Declaration (ENS) service for goods imported into Great Britain from the EU and RoW. This will be a requirement from October 2024. Find out more

To ensure flexibility when moving goods out of Great Britain via the Port of Dover or Eurotunnel there is a dual Freight Location Code (FLC) that should be used. This will help to avoid errors within the Goods Movement Reference (GMR).

For example: If the export declaration is created using Dover’s FLC but the driver then travels through Eurotunnel using a GMR with the Eurotunnel FLC, it will contain errors.

If the driver checks-in without correcting the errors, the GMR will be invalid, and the driver will be turned away until these errors are corrected.

Hauliers, drivers, or logistics companies must -

  • ensure your supply chain and, in particular, the trader, intermediary or declarant, know which border location you will be leaving from
  • make sure you check that they have used the dual FLC if you’re exiting via Dover or Eurotunnel.
  • make sure you have a process in place to contact the declarant, in case of an error within the GMR so they can correct the declaration.

Traders, exporters, intermediaries, or customs agents must -

  • ensure you know which border location your haulier, driver or logistics company will be using to exit Great Britain with your goods
  • use the dual FLC if your goods are leaving via Dover or Eurotunnel.

If there’s a chance the driver may change their routing after the declarations have been created, we suggest using the dual FLC for Dover/Eurotunnel to avoid any potential errors or delays.

Please visit the UK Government website for the most up-to-date advice. Brexit - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)

Anyone who is authorized by their business to make a customs declaration can do this, however it is important to note that only businesses based in a country are able to lodge a declaration there.

For example, a UK company cannot submit a declaration into French Customs (unless they have a French subsidiary or a French entity who is willing to act as a legal representative).

Find out more about where CustomsLink are able to help you complete your customs declarations here

CustomsLink has been purpose-built to help people who ship their goods on ferry services to and from the UK. There are many systems that can submit customs declarations, but do not cover all the border processes such as safety and security declarations and port passes. By using CustomsLink, not only can you be customs cleared, but you will know that you have the right documentation to get through the ports too.

We've used all the experience of our sister company Freightlink, to design a solution especially for the ferry industry. CustomsLink joins up the processes, avoiding the need to re-input information over and over again and giving you peace of mind that you are not just customs cleared, but cleared to go.

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