The computerised cargo processing system that controls goods in an inventory linked environment, consisting of a central database and a ‘switch’ to transfer messages between the various computer systems connected to it.

Since the completion of the internal market, goods can circulate freely between Member States. The 'Common Customs Tariff' (CCT) therefore applies to the import of goods across the external borders of the EU.

The new Customs Declaration Service (CDS) is a flexible, modern system which uses data processing rules and Union Customs Code (UCC) rather than Community Customs Code (CCC).

91 single use data elements need to be completed rather than the 68 multi-use paper form boxes.

As such, the CDS system is more complex than CHIEF. That’s why at CustomsLink, we’re already taking steps to ensure that this doesn’t affect our customers.

According to the UK Gov, this will occur in two phases:

  • Phase One: From the 30th of September 2022, it will no longer be possible to make import declarations through CHIEF.
  • Phase Two: From the 31st of March 2023, it will no longer be possible to make export declarations through CHIEF.

After Phase Two, the Customs Declaration Service will be the UK’s single customs platform, through which businesses will declare their imported and exported goods from the 1st of April 2023.

The good news is that businesses may not be directly impacted by these changes.

Read our How to Prepare for the Upcoming Changes to the UK’s Customs Systems article for more information.

A common entry document that is filled in by feed or food business operators or their representative. With this document, the operator declares the type and the time for when the goods item physically arrives at the designated location.

Customs Freight Simplified Procedures (CFSP), which is now called SCDP is an electronic declaration method that can be used when importing goods from third countries (including EU member states) to the UK. There are two CFSP procedures

  • Simplified Declaration Procedure (SDP)
  • Entry in the Declarant’s records

After the simplified declaration, a full supplementary declaration must be made by a specified deadline.

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