EORI Numbers

We are approaching our fifth and final Brexit Banana Skin - EORI numbers. You may have heard whisperings about the importance of EORI numbers and how they are essential when importing/exporting goods between the UK and the EU. Well they are, but things are slightly more complex than that. 

What is an EORI number? 

An Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI) is used when moving goods between the UK and the EU. It is a unique number that customs administrations use for business identification purposes.  

The 1st January 2021 marks the end of the transition period. It is crucial that you have an EORI number if you are planning to trade with any EU member country (including Northern Ireland) by this date. 

You May Need More Than One EORI Number 

You may already have an EORI number, however from the 1st January only EORI numbers that begin with GB will be valid for trade with the EU, unless you are trading with Northern Ireland. 

This brings us to the fifth and final banana skin. Whilst trading with the rest of the EU means that you may need two EORI numbers (one from the UK Government and another from the EU), you will need ANOTHER to trade with Northern Ireland. For trade with Northern Ireland you will need to obtain one EORI number beginning with GB and another beginning with XI.  

The latest information is on the UK Gov EORI website

If you don’t get this right, you will be unable to import/export goods from the EU and Northern Ireland.  

The good news is that it is free to apply for an EORI number, however it does take a few days to process so it is much safer to be prepared and apply in advance!  

Apply for an EORI number  

We want to make sure that you are as ready as possible for the end of the transition period. You don’t have a lot of time left and being unprepared could severely impact the future success of your business.  

Look out for our other Brexit Banana Skins: